For our program Blockheads About Town, we take shelter and rescue dogs out on the town for enrichment and to get them adoption attention through photographing them and promoting them through social media. Keeping a shelter dog alive is amazing, but it's not enough. Taking them out of the cage and out into the world gives them something to live for. Until shelters open back up, please help us by sharing our photos and posts so they can be seen. All of this can and does GET THEM ADOPTED! Getting them out of the shelter environment reduces their stress, making them more appealing to potential adopters. Plus, photos and stories of them out of the environment will help get a dog more exposure and help people picture what life would be like with him or her. It really works!
Blockheads About Town
Scarlet About Town
We took rescue dog, Scarlet, out on the town to get cute photos to help find her a forever foster. I first saw Scarlet in the shelter, where she was quiet and depressed, and I was so happy when Live Love Animal Rescue saved her for their Foster the Fourth program. As is always true, she became a different dog out of the shelter environment: happy, exuberant. We knew Scarlet was eventually going to succumb to the cancer she had as a result of being overbred and neglected before she was dumped at the shelter. But on our adventures out and about town, she was happy, loving and full of life. Scarlet was game to do anything (we always try to remain sensitive to the dog’s comfort level). Just a couple weeks later, we have found out that Scarlet’s cancer is back with a vengeance, and has spread to her lymph nodes and lungs. I’m so sad, but I’m still incredibly grateful to know and love her, and so happy that she won’t have died in a scary shelter, but is loved and having fun! Join our program to hang out with rescue dogs for a day. (Murals by Pow Wow Long Beach)