Free Vaccines, Wellness & Urgent Care for Pets Affected by Fires
Free vaccines and basic wellness services are available at all CAMP Mobile Clinics for cats and dogs affected by the wildfires. Zip code eligibility required. No appointments needed. Calendar of locations available HERE.
Renter's Rights, Evictions Preventions & Support Animal Designation
HEART LA strives to address the immediate challenges of evictions and homelessness prevention, while also addressing systemic discriminatory barriers through tenant education, trainings, learning forums, workshops, and deliberate policy advocacy. They have a great resource page all people & pets should bookmark HERE.
Assistance for Cats Impacted by Fires
The Little Lion Foundation is an all-volunteer run non-profit dedicated to saving and improving the lives of cats through targeted programs, education and partnerships, with a focus on eliminating euthanasia of healthy, at risk and/or treatable cat and kittens in public shelters. They have started a relief program for cats impacted by the recent fires.
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