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DONATE to Blockheads in Need

We are a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, operating under the name Blockhead Brigade Advocates! Please help us further our mission by donating to our efforts to improve the lives of Pit Bulls & their people through community outreach and advocacy. As part of our mission, we advocate hard for Blockheads in the shelter and in the community struggling against life-threatening discrimination. We host free community pack walks and dog management workshops through our Urban Dog program so that people can become more confident dog handlers and build a stronger, more relaxed bond with their dogs. We fight against housing discrimination in rentals and HOA policies. We fundraise for shelter dogs to get the care they need and a safe exit into a loving home. Please support our work! Our EIN # is 86-3579884.

Thank you for your Donation!


DONATE through PayPal

DONATE through Venmo:


DONATE by check or money order: 

6285 East Spring Street #519

Long Beach, CA 90808

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